<回答> Legendary NFTが確定する演出はあります。 魔法陣以外でレインボーの演出が発生するとLegendary NFTが確定します。 魔法陣の演出では、レインボーが1回発生でEpic NFT以上が。2回発生すればLegendary NFT確定となります。 もちろん、レインボーが出現しなくても、Legendary NFTが排出されるチャンスはあります! <Question> I feel like the Premium Recruitment would be more enjoyable if it had a premium feature like the ones in Pachinko or Slot machines, where the moment it appears, it's a guaranteed legendary. Is there a premium feature like this? If not, will it be added in the future? If it's going to be added, it would be nice if the display was picturesque so it's easy to take a screenshot and upload to social media. <Answer> There is a feature that guarantees a Legendary NFT. If a rainbow animation occurs outside of the magic circle, it confirms a Legendary NFT. For the magic circle animation, if a rainbow appears once, it guarantees at least an Epic NFT. If it appears twice, it confirms a Legendary NFT. Of course, even if the rainbow doesn't appear, there's still a chance to receive a Legendary NFT!
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